Let’s admit planning for the week gets hard. You have a million things running through your mind. Things to do, places to see, people to call. It gets hectic. If you’re anything like me you go and sit down with every intention to be productive and then you’re on Instagram, or Pinterest and two hours passed by. Trust me, we’ve all been there. But, there are a few steps to have a really great productive week.
Number 1: Plan out 3 goals or things you want done for the week
Get specific about your goals too. If you want to clean your room, get specific on what you want out of it. Do you want it to look more organized? Do you want to get rid of old papers and clutter? Writing this information down prior to cleaning will help you feel like you’re going in with a mission. Also, make sure to set your phone on do not disturb mode so you’re not getting distracted by every notification.
Number 2: Write out your schedule.
If you have a planner that’s awesome! Writing out any events, work or school schedules on Sunday for that current week will help you visualize what your week will be like. Some planners even have time tables which helps map out your day by the hour. Of course, some events pop up without warning and you have to go with the flow, but having a visual aid of seeing your schedule will help with those situations.
Number 3: Have a to-do list
This goes hand in hand with planning three goals for the week, but having a to-do list for your day knocks out the simple tasks that prevent you from completing your goals. A to-do list should consist of daily tasks that need to get done in a given day. You could have anything written down i.e. walk the dog, take out the trash, email so and so. When you write down items on your to-do list make sure they’re not too vague so you’re not wondering what you meant when you wrote it. For example if you wrote down “clean”, clean what? The fridge? The room? Then you would spend a good amount of time remembering what you even wanted to do. If anything be specific on what you want to get done.