A capsule wardrobe is a perfect cure to closet clutter without hitting the sales racks, waiting on discounts, or jumping from trend to trend to achieve a basic and interchangeable style. A well-made capsule wardrobe can last years and reduces clothing waste, especially if you tend to lose or give away clothing often.
The term capsule wardrobe first came about in the 1970s by Susie Faux. She was frustrated with the lack of well-made clothing and decided to create a small wardrobe of curated pieces. Then in 1985 came Donna Karan’s first capsule collection called “Seven Easy Pieces.” In short, a capsule wardrobe is a collection of clothing that you love, goes with everything, and doesn’t go out of style. Here’s how to get started on yours:

1. Clean Out Your Closet
When creating a new capsule wardrobe it’s best to remove everything from your wardrobe to see what you own. If you keep things in your wardrobe that you never wear, it’s time to remove them. They take up space for new clothes, and they clutter your mind about what to wear every day. Remove everything from your closet and donate or sell anything you haven’t worn recently or that doesn’t fit properly anymore. A capsule wardrobe isn’t just a tiny closet; it’s also a system for getting dressed.
2. Find Your Style
Think, what do I want my clothes to say about me? Which fabrics and fits do I feel most comfortable wearing? Which colors, patterns, and accessories bring out my true self and best complement my personality?
3. Choose a theme
Think about what you gravitate towards. If you like wearing skirts more than pants, go with that! Or if you enjoy wearing comfy sweaters, include those as part of your wardrobe. There are no rules here; this is all about personal style. Think about what colors, patterns, and accessories makes you the happiest.
4. List the items you already own
The next step is to make a list of the items you already have in your wardrobe that fits in with your theme and what you need to look for to bring it altogether. Write down each item on a separate piece of paper. This will help you see what’s missing and plan what else you need to add to your capsule wardrobe.
5. Create your color scheme
Sort through your clothes and look for patterns in the colors. Think about the number of colors you want in your color scheme so that everything will work together nicely. Usually 3 or 4 colors work nicely. For example, neutrals like black and white can be used in any scheme so don’t count these as part of your larger color scheme. If you want, use these as accent colors.
6. Care for Your Garments
With fast fashion brands, clothes are not made to last for more than a few wears, and it can seem silly to invest in the care for a garment that costs less than 20 dollars. With a minimalist wardrobe, though, you’ll want to ensure you are properly caring for your apparel. This will protect your items from accidental damage and allow you to wear pieces for years to come.
A few tips for care: Dedicate some time at the end of the season to check for any small holes in your clothing and mend them where you can. When you wash pay close attention to the cycle and the type of garment your wearing. For example, delicates shouldn’t be washed with your dark wash jeans. If you’re still unsure check out these guides on the basics of taking care of your clothing. Additionally, see laundry products that will help make your clothing last longer.
7. Donate any old clothing
Donate pieces that aren’t versatile or don’t fit into your plan or recycle items that are damaged beyond repair. You can ever consider reselling clothing or accessories in good condition through apps like Poshmark or ThredUp.
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8. Remember that this is not an overnight process
A capsule wardrobe has the power to slow down fast fashion, over consumption leading to overspending, and wastefulness leading to environmental problems. If you want to simplify your life and be more mindful about your purchases, it’s worth trying a capsule wardrobe. Starting with a smaller wardrobe can also help you realize if your current shopping habits are helpful or hurtful. And it’s entirely up to you whether or not you keep building on the basic idea or use it as a jumping-off point for something more complex. Also, remember there is no right or wrong way to build a capsule wardrobe. It can be whatever you need it to be; simple, bold, colorful, minimal, and whatever the need it should be based on your wants and likes.