Now brows have became such a focus for makeup and fashion enthusiasts. So let’s talk about some basics of Brows 101.
Whether you don’t give a pluck about brows, or if you find it the core focus. A little need to know is you do not have to have what is called the “perfect” eyebrow which can also be called the “Instagram brow”. You do not have to be in the trend with eyebrows, their eyebrows! Do whatever you want to do and be confident. Your eyebrows are in their shape for your face, whether they are dark and full, or thin, they complement your face in the best way. So fill them in, don’t fill them in, shave them if you really want to and even draw them on yourself!
When it comes to plucking you should never pluck grey hairs that you see, I know grey hairs suck, but hey you do age. When you pluck grey hairs they will not grow back, so what is recommended is that you tint them. Now tints come in various colors, and they are very easy to apply to your eyebrows.
When it comes to shaping your brows there are three steps. The start of the brow, the theoretical arch, and then the end of the brow. So with step one you would use a pencil, or a makeup brush and place it so the it aligns the tip of your eye to the side of your nose. From this we can see where the brow should start when it comes to shaping. Next, you will align the pencil from the side of your nose to your iris, so it would look like a 45 degree angle. This will show where the arch of your brow should be. Lastly, align the side of your nose with the end tip of your eye, and this will show where your eyebrow should end.
Also, eyebrows are sisters not twins, so if they don’t match up perfectly there is no need to stress. Well, that’s a small tidbit of some basic eyebrow facts. Until the next post about beauty!
I sometimes get so frustrated when I’m doing my brows that they don’t look perfectly symetrical but then I’m like “literally chill they’re just eyebrows.” Hahaha!
The struggle is real! haha I definitely know where you are coming from. Thanks for reading!