Buying a handbag should be as a simple as getting up in the morning and putting on a pair of pants. But, it gets tricky because you want a great bag, but you also want to be able to carry everything you need while you grab coffee with your friends, go to work, go to the store before going home and then finally getting home. Before you begin your quest for the perfect bag, there are a few questions to ask yourself to make sure you find the best fit.

What do you want in a bag?
First things first, what’s the sole purpose of the bag. Is this for work? Going out? Running daily errands? Because you love it and it’s purple? Narrowing down why you’re on a mission for a new bag will help you in the long run.
What do you do in the day?
A handbag should be able to keep up with you and accommodate your lifestyle. For instance, if you are out and about every day, consider something that will carry everything you need. Opt for a messenger, tote, and backpack all in one. If you want something more low-key and only carry a few items, you may want to consider a shoulder bag or a messenger.
What style fits you?
When thinking about the style of the bag, think about your overall purpose. If you want a bag to last for years to come, consider a classic design with minimal embellishments.
Does it have ample compartment space?
Think about what you normally have on you at all times. Will the bag you’re looking at cut it? Having enough space in a bag that fits your needs and lifestyle is an absolute must.
How much are you willing to spend?
Bags can range from ten dollars to hundreds of thousands. A Birkin would look great on anyone while they go grocery shopping, however, it may not be the most practical suggestion. Or if it is, kudos. Overall, budget how much you are willing to spend and research the market on what would be too expensive for you.
Buy new or used?
There are pros and cons to both options, but the good news is that both are great options based on what you are looking for. Sites like Vestiaire Collective have plenty of options for used, gently worn luxury bags, or you can opt for a fresh start and buy something directly from a store. Keep in mind though that quality should be the ultimate factor to ensure longevity.
Check store policies
Sometimes with all the research, the purchase may fall flat, which is okay. Check the store’s return policy and try again. A good thing to remember is that some stores won’t allow returns on final sale items.
Go with your gut
Make sure you love the bag, and it’s the right fit for you. If you have a bag in mind and that’s the only thing you’re thinking about, then it may just be the one for you. Above all, sometimes there’s no other reason than you just need to have that bag, which is completely fine.