Reasons to Use the Ladder Stitch
- You have a hole in your sleeve/ pant leg/ seam/ etc.
- You need a quick solution with repairing your clothing
- You need an effective stitch that will stand the test of time

Step 1: Hide the Knot in the Seam allowance

First things first, make sure that your needle is threaded with the appropriate colored thread for the project. Make sure your project is turned right side out. Then insert the needle inside the opening, continuing where the last stitch has ended. Pull it up and make sure the knot is secure and hidden in the folds of the seam allowance.
Step Two: Just keep Stitching

You’re going to start by taking a stitch on one side of the fabric and going across to the other side to create a line. Make sure to insert the needle through the inside of the edge of the fabric, this makes sure that all of the stitches will be hidden in the fold. Alternate right and left stitches to form ladder-like stitches towards the end.
Step 3: Finish it

Once you get to the end of the thread you should close and hide your stitch within the fold of the hem. Then knot the end of the thread by bringing your needle through the inside stitches and looping it and tieing it off.
Step 4: You’re done!

Cut the thread and make sure that no stray threads are showing. And you’re done. You just completed the ladder stitch.