Did you know the iconic Chanel bag has been around since 1955? Long time for sure, and it is still perceived as the epitome of luxury and class. However, now more than ever we see a lot of knock offs of this bag, which begs the questions how do we tell the difference between a knock off and the real deal?
The Best Books for Young Illustrators
The world of a fashion illustrator is exciting and vast.
Learning how to draw an eye in 6 steps
Today I am sharing a tutorial on how to draw an eye! I broke it down into six steps so it covers the basics, but doesn’t skimp out on the good parts too. Let me know what you think about…
Drawing a basic fashion face
Materials Needed: Paper Any kind of pencil, mechanical, colored, or charcoal Eraser Ruler ( not required, but if you want to be super precise with the lines ) Start with a simple circle and draw a straight line in…