You don’t need millions of products for an effective skincare routine and you also don’t need to spend hundreds of bucks to seemingly make your skin better, when in fact it just makes your skin red, blotchy and sensitive. The best solution is an effective layering system for your skincare routine. Your layering system can be as complex or as simple as you want it. May it be seven, twelve or two steps, the most important takeaway from this is that you are not missing the vital steps; cleansing, moisturizing and finishing your routine with face oil.
Cleanser/ Exfoliator: After you have removed your makeup, start with a cleanser or an exfoliator. If you use an exfoliator be sure not to scrub too hard as scrubbing irritates the skin. A gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that doesn’t contain alcohol is the best to use according to the American Academy of Dermatology.

Moisturizer: Moisturizers are there to maintain hydration in the skin and reduce the effects of irritation which is why it’s so important to wear it daily. When your skin becomes dry it produces more oil, excess oil can clog your pores and cause breakouts and further irritation. A great lotion for your skin and your wallet is a match made in heaven.

Face Oil: Face oils are the last step because they lock everything in from the previous steps and keep them from evaporating. Most face oils have light formulas so it won’t feel like you rubbed cooking oil all over you. If you have sensitive skin, you should always check with your dermatologist before trying any new products.

At the end of the day, your skincare products should be unique to you and your type of skin. You should always use the products that are right for your skin and will make it glow. No matter how many magazines recommended products, you know what’s going to work for you versus what’s not.